What is Your Leadership Style?

PMI Silicon Valley (www.pmisv.org) and Insights Learning and Development (www.insights.com)Insights logo have partnered on a study to identify the current strengths and gaps in leadership and teaming effectiveness in Northern California companies.  Insights® is a global learning and development company working in partnership with leading organizations across the world.  Insights transformational learning solutions, delivered by a worldwide team of exceptional and inspirational people, help people improve their effectiveness in five key areas:  individuals, teams, organizations, sales and leadership.

By combining the PMI leadership competencies with Insights® transformational leadership framework, the team is able to identify strengths and gaps in project management leadership and teaming effectiveness.  Harish Chinai, Senior Director of PMI, and Suzanne Dresser, Senior Director with Insights Learning & Development, will share survey results and implications and practical strategies for improving project leadership.  The results of the research will be presented at the PMI NorCal Symposium 2008 at Stanford University at an early bird session on September 4th.

For people who want to participate in the research, starting next Monday, there will be a link to the survey on the PMI NorCal web site, www.pmisv.org/symposium08.  In addition to receiving a white paper on the research results, participants will receive a highly customized, personal leadership profile (30+ pages) that discusses their strengths, challenges, and style (a value of over $500) and be invited to a complimentary workshop in the Fall, 2008 sponsored by PMI-SV.

A benefit to individuals completing the survey is to understand themselves better and help others work with them.  There is great benefit as well for team members to each complete the survey, compare results, and discuss how to best adapt to each other.  For example, Suzanne includes as a signature in her email messages,

Tips on Communicating With Me – From My Insights Discovery Personal Profile – Position 23  RY/BG

Do:  Be clear about expectations and timescales

Don’t:  Impose a “can’t be done” or defeatist attitude on her

logo webTogether with presenting the research study results described above, the overall theme for the PMI NorCal Symposium of   inspire: challenge: transform

The Continuing Quest to Increase Maturity, Manage Risks, and Achieve Greater Results from Projects

serves to help project managers realize big picture implications of the projects they lead and to help project sponsors and executives realize the value and importance of project management.  With this understanding in place, participants discover how to work better together to advance project management maturity, create even higher-performing project management cultures, and achieve greater results and return on investment from projects.  They leave the Symposium with tangible solutions they can implement, derived from case study examples and ideas from thought leaders and networking discussions.

Register for the Symposium at www.pmisv.org/symposium08 by July 31st to take advantage of the early bird discount.  Take action to participate in the leadership research right now.

Randy Englund, Englund Project Management Consultancy, www.englundpmc.com


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