Terms of Use (for bloggers & commenters)

Terms of Use for bloggers (posters)
Last revised: Sept. 6, 2005

Terms of Use, Personal Responsibilities and Obligations

Welcome to our blog.

This blog is intended to serve as a discussion center for project managers of all kinds, and to be open to a wide variety of ideas and thinking. UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley is the primary author and responsible for establishing the initial blog topics for discussion. However, any view expressed here is solely that of the individual who wrote it, and only he or she is responsible for its content. Views expressed here do not represent the policies or positions of UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley.

People wishing to participate will need to register with us and login (below) to post a comment.

Also, blogs are by their nature, open, direct and often free-wheeling. Some individuals may post comments that you may deem to be misleading, inaccurate or even offensive. While the blogs are moderated, we will not control the content of every comment. We’re also not responsible or liable for other web sites and resources posted by bloggers.

We respectfully request that you not engage in business solicitations or any postings that would be deemed to be offensive and stick to the spirit of the site: to help others survive and thrive in a very tough field, and to do so in the spirit of a collaborative community.

Please read the following agreement carefully before signing on.

You agree to:

  • Post comments in both tone and content that contribute in a positive way to the blog.
  • Be responsible for all statements you make in the blog. You are solely responsible for the content, context and information in the comment you post.
  • Grant UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform and display in whole or part worldwide and/or to incorporate any one of those comments in other works now or in the future.
  • Maintain and keep your registration data updated and accurate.
  • Provide your real email address. You can not register with a fake email address. If you are concerned about privacy, consider getting a free email account. (Note that email addresses are never shown to non-registered users.)

You agree not to:

  • Register multiple times. All users are limited to one account.
  • Expose personal information, such as an address and phone number, or posting someone else’s personal information.
  • Post any comment that you either know or should know is false, deceptive or misleading, or misrepresent or deceive others as to the source, accuracy, integrity or completeness of any comment you post.
  • Post any comment that is unlawful, harmful or injurious to others, threatening, abusive, offensive, harassing, derisive, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hatefully, or racially/ ethnically objectionable.
  • Post any comment that does or may invade the privacy or violate or infringe on any rights of others, including, without limitation, copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
  • Impersonate any person, firm or entity, falsely or deceptively state, infer or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with or connection to any person, firm or entity.
  • Post any comment which, either the act of posting or the comment itself, you do not have a right to do under any law, regulation or order of any court, or as a result of an employment, contractual, fiduciary or other legal obligation or relationship.
  • Post any advertising, promotional materials or any other form of solicitation.
  • Post any non-public or otherwise restricted, confidential or proprietary information without authorization.
  • Violate any local, state, national or international law, regulation or order of any court.

UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley has the right in its sole discretion, arbitrarily and/or for any reason and without any notice whatsoever, to edit, move, delete, and/or remove any Blog comment posted on any of its Blogs at any time. We also have the right to delete, at our own discretion, any blog or comment that we deem to violate the Terms of Use.

These standards are designed to ensure that the dialogue on the Blogs is credible, responsible, intelligent and informative. We can not guarantee that subscribers who comment on our Blogs will tell the truth, and we will not monitor the veracity of names and positions or the content of any posts. However, by setting out the above guidelines, we hope to raise the credibility of the discussion and foster a spirit of open, honest exchanges of information.


The Blogs are a service provided by UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley. When you access, transmit information (which we will refer to as “posting a comment” or some variation of these words), or use the Blogs in any way, you will be bound by our terms of use. By submitting a username and password on the Blog registration page, you are agreeing to be bound by the Terms of Use.


We urge and encourage participants posting comments on the Blogs to include their full name in any comment and to disclose any positions, jobs or other relevant facts that might flavor or influence their opinions in their postings. The idea is that by divulging this type of information, it will help foster a more credible and open dialogue.


If you believe that any comment posted or other conduct in connection with the Blogs infringes or violates your rights or is in violation of the Terms of Use, please notify us. We will investigate the matter promptly, but UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley does not guarantee any action or response based on such information.


Some of the individuals posting to this site, including the moderators, work either directly or on contract for UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley. Opinions expressed here and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors, not of UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley. The content is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be an endorsement or representation by UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley or any other party. THIS SITE IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. NO PRIVATE, PROPRIETARY OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION SHOULD BE POSTED TO THIS SITE.

By posting you agree to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to, or otherwise upload to the Website and release UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley from any liability related to your use of the Website. You expressly agree that UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind, that arises or results from comments posted on this blog.

You also grant to UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley a worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free and fully-paid, transferable (including rights to sublicense) right to exercise all copyright, publicity, and moral rights with respect to any original content you provide.The comments are moderated. Comments will appear as soon as they are approved by the moderator. Last, UCSC Extension in Silicon Valley reserves the right to change the terms of use without notice.

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