What if We Can’t Agree?

Most of us dislike conflict and prefer to avoid it than confront it.  If we don’t learn how to deal with conflict, the danger is when conflict arises, the situation will soon escalate into something destructive that causes long-term damage to relationships and teamwork.

Most project teams are thrust together and expected to get the job done as quickly as possible.  This often leaves little time to identify and agree to a set of behaviors and expectations as how team members will act when dealing with conflict.  As a result, most project teams must share a common understanding:

  • Everyone on the team is unique, with distinctive pmembers should identify ways to mitigate discord with which everyone can live

Establish a conflict resolution process that is acceptable to everyone on the team.  In most cases, a 4-step process is all that is needed:

  1. Individuals will try to resolve the conflict with each other
  2. If two individuals cannot resolve the conflict, the team leader will intervene
  3. If the team leader cannot facilitate resolution, an outside facilitator will mediate
  4. Once the conflict is resolved, other team members will be apprised of the outcome

Conflict between individuals that remains unresolved tends to escalate until each party attempts to defend the other.  Not only is this destructive to the individuals directly involved, but it can also infect their teammates as well.  The key is to find the right time and way to deal with conflict.


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