The POO Code, Epilog

numberThe “secret” code to success and advancement in any organization is to make yourself more valuable, align with organizational goals, attract like minded individuals who want to make a difference, and take the initiative.

Several recent indicators support this path. Testimonials from graduates of advanced project management programs state that as they apply the concepts and coach their bosses or manage upwards, they are perceived as more valuable to the organization. This behavior is in stark contrast to those who say “That’s not my job.” This behavior may also qualify for acting as a Project Office of One (POO).

I just had a conversation with a VP at Cisco, who stated, “Those people who tap their innate skills and capabilities and align and apply them to operational directives are highly valued. They are the glue that holds our virtual human network together.” These actions are effective when a clear vision exists for the organization, a set of priorities are established, and processes are set in place to implement those priorities. People become vested in and held accountable for meeting priorities, not just for practicing their functional skills.

Today is a good day to be a POO.

Randy Englund


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