The Making of Scrappy Project Management


On Oct. 9 we had the launch of my new book “Scrappy Project Management: The 12 Predictable and Avoidable Pitfalls Every Project Faces”

Well over 150 scrappy people joined us for the scrappiest book launch in the history of “Happy About” books, my publisher ( I was more than a little relieved, because one very famous person who’s married to a friend of mine only had 4 people show up, and even Jenna Bush only had 20 people at her Barnes and Noble book launch in Manhattan. Ha! See, project management IS more exciting than stories of hope and inspiration!

Indeed the book launch was one of the most thrilling nights of my life (so far!) Long lost friends and colleagues reconnected. (The relationships last longer the some of the companies in the Silicon Valley.) My crippled and withered hand is finally starting to uncurl . . . I autographed for 1.5 hours solid. (I really tried to be sincere for the first 100 or so, but after that it was “Hey, thanks for buying my book, now give me the $20 and let me go to the bathroom, for cryin’ out loud!)

Our hilarious video documents the nearly true-life account of the final hair-raising computer tribulations that were overcome in order to get the book done on time. And if you do read my book, can you leave an honest review on Amazon?  Thanks 1 x 10^9!
Stay Scrappy! – Kimberly


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