Ten Years, Ten Lessons – My Top 10 Career Lessons of the last decade

Can you believe we are heading into 2011?  Imagine that!  It seems that every year goes by faster than the previous year.   Somehow, there is an exponential factor to time… the older you get, the faster time passes.  Not fair!

I will say that over the years, I have become very much aware of time’s tricky ways and how quickly it can slip through your grasp.  It seems that it was Y2K just a short while ago – and now, it is the end of 2010.  I am now 10 years older – and my kids have become teenagers and young adults.  Where did the time go?  

The end of the year and the end of a decade are great times to reflect and think about what you have done, what you wish you had done and where you want to go.  This week, my blog will focus on “My Top 10 Career Lessons of the last decade”.    Here is my list – in order from #10 to #1 – and I will elaborate on each of these points during the week:

10   Take your vacation

9     Keep a balanced outlook

8     Be prepared for change

7     Follow the leaders

6      “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good”

5       Know when to leave and when to stick it out

4       Trust your intuition

3      Make a difference

2     Surround yourself with good people

1     Put your health and family at the top

There is no right or wrong – it is simply my own personal list.  Over the next few blogs, I will share stories about each of these “lessons learned”.   It is my way of trying to understand the events that shaped my career over the last decade and they provide some guideposts and direction for  my year ahead.

My hope is that this will inspire you to create your own personal ‘top 10’ list and kickstart your 2011 goals….


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