Stand Up and Stand Out

According to a recent USA Today survey, the most stressful event for people is public speaking.  Are you a project manager who experiences a rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms when it’s your turn to present, or do you stand up and stand out with a confident, calm, and capable presence?

Successful presentations require both thoughtful preparation and distinctive delivery.  Every time.  Here are four tips to promote the preparation of a successful presentation.

  1. Cause. Do you know the purpose of your presentation?  Are you clear on why you are presenting?  Have clarity on what you are aiming to achieve at the end of your presentation – this will help you determine how to design and prepare it.
  2. Clarity. Once you know the intent of your presentation, focus on it.  Design your presentation with an eye on the target.  Keep your messages succinct and to the point.  Eliminate redundant slides or talking points.
  3. Concise. Keep your presentation brief and to the point.  You will lose your audience with too many words or too much data (both written and verbal).  If you use PowerPoint, design your slides with as much white space as possible.  Place words on the page to remind you of your talking points.  Never read your slides your audience can do that without you.
  4. 4. Creative. Make your presentations memorable by being innovative.  Use pictures instead of words. Just remember – most business presentations are for just that – business.  Use just enough creativity to be original and memorable.  Too many special effects or animations may detract from your credibility.

Lisa DiTullio, Principal, Lisa DiTullio & Associates,


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