Physical conditioning for leadership under pressure

t-3-performance-secrets1.jpgOne of the most fundamental things that anyone can do for their leadership skills is basic: figure out how to feel great, day after day.

This is the stuff of peak performance athletes, and with books like The Corporate Athlete and The Power of Full Engagement these ideas are being used in companies, too.

It seems basic enough–eat well, exercise, recharge and you’ll feel good, perform well. So I have to ask myself–why don’t I do more of this?

Taking the example of diet, I think it comes down to this: if I eat well and then I feel well, I probably won’t notice. But if I eat poorly, usually won’t impact me right away–it takes a few hours, and by then I’m much less likely to link how I feel to what I ate. And if my eating habits go downhill, it may take a few weeks for the full impact of that to hit me. Thus the connection between diet and performance can be hard to realize.

With this talk, I present some of the research that I found that shows the benefits of these basics. My hope is that by having this research in mind, I’ll be more likely to do these things, and as a result feel good and perform well.

video: 3 Secrets of Peak Performance Leaders


Paul Konasewich

© 2008 Paul Konasewich


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