Looking for the International Help Line

intlhelp-svpm09Sending an SOS? Need some guidelines or information regarding international project management? You may be ready to launch a global project or you may find yourself in the midst of a big international initiative. Yet you’re missing those extra insights on the cross-cultural challenges faced throughout the project cycle. If you need some extra resources, it may be time to look for that international help line.

There are a few sites and books that can come to the rescue when you’re in dire need of an international project management primer. One of the most insightful sites that I’ve viewed is www.globalprojectmanagement.org launched by Jean Binder. Based on his global management knowledge framework, you can search and explore 25 knowledge areas related to international project topics covering global teams, communication, organizational management, and collaborative techniques and tools. Should you find that you need a deeper dive, Binder has also published a book based on the framework entitled: “Global Project Management: Communication, Collaboration, and Management Across Borders”.

For the most comprehensive source on global project management, there’s the International Community for Project Managers at www.theicpm.com . The ICPM is designed to be a collaboration space for project managers and industry enthusiasts. The site enjoys a member base of around 10,000 people from around the world – all of whom are interested in the subject of project management. From every day news to special blog topics, you have the opportunity to connect with a colleague who can help with your international questions.

Enjoy your international tour and cross-cultural adventures in the coming year. In developing innovative programs, products, and processes, you have the opportunity to leverage your global network. Whether you’re launching a product or managing a current international project, seize the moment and update your cultural knowledge and skillset. Bon voyage!

What’s your global readiness challenge? Respond to this blog or contact karina@globalmindsnetwork.com or visit www.globalmindsnetwork.com


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