Keynote on Creating Excellence

Maturity Forum logoCreating Excellence in/through Project Management means optimizing and achieving greater results from project-based work: realizing a competitive advantage by executing strategy through projects: significant advancements in maturity of people, processes, and the environment of a project-based organization.  It involves forming a picture of an ideal environment for implementing projects: and requires an honest assessment of the current reality.  A Maturity Survey provides data about the environment, and gets management attention about strengths, development opportunities, benchmark comparisons, best practices, and action plans.

The multimedia experience in this keynote address brings forth viewpoints, insights, and practices about why, what, and how to create excellence in project management.  This goal is necessary because projects are the means to achieve almost anything in every organization.  Without good project, program, and portfolio management, achieving results is tenuous at best.  Traditional efforts are not sufficient in an environment where internal and external forces are both driving and restraining performance in an accelerating manner.

First, assemble pieces of a puzzle that optimize the environment for project work; second, traverse the path where a project office leads the change process to develop a project-based organization; and third, develop excellence in project sponsorship.  Assess your current environment; compare that with an ideal environment; then share examples, actions, and improved practices about how to bridge the gap.  Identify concepts that support rather than undermine project management as an organizational competency.  Create a “green,” rather than “toxic,” environment that values project-based work.  Get expert feedback and experience how to adopt, adapt, and apply leading practices that transform your approach to project management, no matter where you work.  With these pieces in place, implement tools that support organizational maturity. 

I look forward to our discussions on these important topics at the Maturity Forum 2007 on September 14th.  See  

Randy Englund, 


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