Are you are indispensable to your company?

Are you sure you are indispensable?

Hello, this is Laura Lee Rose.  I am a speaker and author. I am an expert in time and project management.

I help busy professionals and entrepreneurs create effective systems so that they can comfortably delegate to others, be more profitable and have time to enjoy life even if they don’t have time to learn new technology or train their staff.  I have a knack for turning big ideas into on time and profitable projects.

At the end of the day, I transform the way you run your business into a business you love to run.

patricdemseyI recently watched the episode of Grey’s Anatomy in which Dr. McDreamy Shepard gets killed.  Patrick Demsey (the actor who plays this character) has been a staple of that show for 11 years.  The show’s first episode started with Dr. Sheppard and Merideth Grey meet.  The entire 11 years centered on their relationship. 

Now he is gone and the “show goes on”.


So- if a character so prevalent in the fabric of this huge franchise can be removed so easily – how about you?  Are you so indispensible to your organization that they would fold up shop without you?

Of course the answer is “No”.  And that is the way it should be.  So – acknowledging this truth should be liberating to you.  You still want to be valuable to your team, your manager, your company.  But you still want to continue to move forward.  Patrick Demsey has two movies in the works, and he plans to do more professional racing.  What are you putting in place?

  • Do you have a Professional and Career Development Plan?
  • Do you have a Career Press Kit in place (which illustrates your past achievements, quantifies your performance as it relates to increased company revenue and client satisfaction, and updated resume)?
  • Do you regularly meet with mentors, business coaches and your management hierarchy?
  • Do you have a positive working relationship with both co-workers and sibling departments?
  • Do you have clear advancement opportunities at this company?
  • Do you have business relationships with people from other companies that are aligned with your career goals?
  • Do you have a business network of the right people that will support your advancement?

How are you making yourself valuable (not indispensible)?

  • Are you focusing on the company’s mission, vision, and business commitment goals?
  • Are you a valuable contributor to the company’s bottom line (how much money are you brining in or saving)?
  • Are you volunteering your services to sibling departments, to make sure other groups understand your contributions?
  • Are your keeping your skills up-to-date and aligned with the next generation technology to stay relevant?
  • Are you aware of the national salary range for your current role and skill level, to make sure you are not bumping up against the salary range?
  • Are you training and preparing yourself to take that next promotion or career challenge?


Bottom Line: You may be totally satisfied with your current role and responsibilities.  You may have no desire to be promote or change jobs.  You may want to continue to do exactly what you are doing for the next 5 to 10 years.  Even so – that doesn’t guarantee that the company has the same plans.  The company may choose to merge with another company; dissolve your division; or upgrade to a new technology that makes your skill set obsolete.  Even if you have no desire for a change; change is inevitable.


I know your situation is different. Why don’t we schedule an appointment, where I get to know more about your unique situation? And then I will be happy to make recommendations on what your best steps are moving forward. To schedule an appointment, book it HERE.

With enough notice, it would be my honor to guest-speak at no cost to your group organization.

I have a presentation on “3 Keys to saying YES to everything but on your own terms”. To sign up for the complimentary course, go to




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