Table of contents for Economy on PM
- Impact of the Economy on Project Management
I recently conducted a survey on asking for anecdotal stories about how the economy is currently impacting project management. This week I would like to share the results with you.
The survey was 100% anonymous, and I even removed any identifying information that a few responders put into the answer. Note that this survey is NOT scientific in any way. It consisted of 2 questions, location and an open-ended one. The categories were created and assigned by me post-hoc after reading through the responses. These 8 categories seemed to emerge as I went through the data. Some are causes and some are effects….some of these are linked. For example, investment/project cutbacks may lead to PM layoffs, etc.
Over the course of this week I will walk through the categories with you, giving some examples of the responses received, and my take on them from the data and from my own personal experience.
Image via Wikipedia
I enjoyed visiting your blog site and look forward to your future blog posts. Great information provided here!
Vincent James – VJ Global