Creating Excellence

PMI-SV Maturity Forum 2007Creating excellence IN project management is about viewpoints, insights, and practices on why, what, how, and who to optimize project-based work.  This goal is necessary because projects are the means to achieve almost anything in every organization.  Without good project, program, and portfolio management, achieving results is tenuous.  Traditional efforts are not sufficient in an environment where internal and external forces are both driving and restraining performance in an accelerating manner.  Organizational maturity requires that you reduce organizational “toxins” and create “green” organizations, using a systemic approach.

By doing the above, creating excellence THROUGH project management means achieving greater results from project-based work: realizing a competitive advantage by executing strategy through projects: significant advancements in maturity of people, processes, and the environment of a project-based organization.  The bottom line is:  embark on a quest to manage project management; create a “green” environment that encourages project-based work; eliminate pollutants and “toxic” views; search with unrelenting curiosity for leading practices; and take action.

Randy EnglundThese are the opening thoughts I will share at the PMI NorCal Symposium 2008 on September 3rd at Stanford University.  I will continue as the facilitator, moderator, and pace setter for this quest.  The two days will provide valuable information from experts, practitioners, and thought leaders.  Case studies will demonstrate practices that work (and some that don’t: ).  Executives in panel discussions will share their experiences and beliefs about what it takes to improve project success rates.

There will be guidance on using tools such as PMI’s maturity model OPM3, CMMI, project management methodologies, risk management, and group decision-making.  Vendors will be present to demonstrate their applications, training programs, and services as well as answer questions.  Seminal books will be available for purchase and signing by authors present at the Symposium.  See results from maturity and leadership surveys and research studies; use benchmarking data to convince others of the need for transformation.

Most importantly, the Symposium will facilitate group discussion among the participants: this is where we see the greatest value being derived.  Not only during the breaks, meal times, and reception, but also attendees can share their reflections and experiences at their tables during several short and one longer session throughout the Symposium.  Group facilitation techniques will accelerate knowledge sharing and forge the frontier of new ideas (even possibly new twists on some old ones: ).

It is through participating in events like this that project managers and executives alike gain the knowledge to take their performance from good to great.  Get more information and register (before the early bird deadline of July 31st) at

Be inspired: be challenged: transform!
Randy Englund, Englund Project Management Consultancy,


1 thought on “Creating Excellence”

  1. User Avatar

    Provide value and they will come. The truth of this statement appears once again: the PMI NorCal Symposium 2008 is SOLD OUT!

    For people wanting further exploration about their role in creating excellence in/through project management, Alfonso Bucero and I will lead a discussion after the PMI Global Congress in Denver. The seminar “Creating Excellence in Project Management” happens October 22-23, 2008. Get more information and register at

    Randy Englund, a UCSCx instructor

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