AMP: Summary

Credit: This week, we’ve dissected AMP to take a look at what can enable us to acheive self-actualization. In my opinion, AMP is an important component of work culture and should be a key inclusion.

I’d like to see more companies do away with old management practices and embrace AMP more actively. I’d also like to see more leaders lead by example, keep an open mind, and cultivate the humility and independence it takes to build a mature, self-directed organization.

As project leaders and program/portfolio managers, we should be supporting and evangelizing AMP. We have the ability to influence the best practices and culture of the company, and recognizing that AMP is a key factor in motivating people is going to go a long way in creating a driven, dedicated team that can achieve great things.


2 thoughts on “AMP: Summary”

  1. User Avatar

    Wahoo Anu! For many years I felt certain that a healthy, vibrant workplace that doesn’t suck your will to live would be more profitable than some of the work environments common in the business world. And for the past 15 years I have been gather evidence that this truly is the case. The research is available, thanks to organizations like the Gallup Institute and others. Overall the data suggests that organizations that create these kinds of environments enjoy on average a 50% increase in return on equity (ROE) and ROIC (return on invested capital). Therefore even the greediest jerks should work tirelessly to create a supportive work environment! Misery is not profitable. It’s common sense, but not common practice. Let’s get busy making it happen!

  2. User Avatar

    Awesome series, Anu! Thank you! It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful insights like these seem so hard to institutionalize. With all that what we know about people and what motivates them, from centuries of study in fields like psychology and just plain experience, the world is still rife with bad management styles and (de)motivational systems. I just don’t get it. Hewlett and Packard created an amazing company in 1939, with systems that rewarded people for innovation and gave them the freedom to create. Why can’t more leaders be like them and create truly great companies that last? Instead, we have a world filled with tops-down, command and control systems where people are driven to extremes to achieve near-term bottom line results, regardless of the human carnage.

    Well, all I can say is that if I ever get a chance to run a company with employees, I’m going to give my team the AMPs they need to achieve greatness!

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