
Perfecting versus perfection.

We’ve all heard the groan: “We have an aggressive schedule to meet.” The fact is, it’s not the “schedule” timeline that is aggressive; rather, it’s what we choose to fit into it. Adopting an attitude of progress refinement (perfecting over perfection) with the confidence percentage strategy helps reduce this tension between promised and actually delivered tasks.


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Finding time to stay ahead

Today’s busy lifestyle and every-changing technology makes it difficult to stay on top (never mind ahead). If we’re too busy taking care of today’s’ business, how can we find time to prepare for tomorrow? Granted, this opens a can of worms. There are many avenues to this discussion. Today, we’ll try to focus on “how to stay knowledgeable and continue to be considered an expert in my field.”


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Prototype your way to Real

When project managing for innovation and change, three important steps are getting great inspiration, having an effective idea generation session, and then moving your ideas forward with prototyping. Consider your personal and organizational prototyping practices: do you prototype across a wide range of levels, from rough to real? Do you prototype both your tangible and intangible concepts, as you might for service design and organizational change? Take a look at the following post to imagine your path this year on what and how to prototype – for yourself or across your company.


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