
Finding time to stay ahead

Today’s busy lifestyle and every-changing technology makes it difficult to stay on top (never mind ahead). If we’re too busy taking care of today’s’ business, how can we find time to prepare for tomorrow? Granted, this opens a can of worms. There are many avenues to this discussion. Today, we’ll try to focus on “how to stay knowledgeable and continue to be considered an expert in my field.”


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Experts still research

New advances come up all the time, even in the area of “do-it-yourself”. The combination of the internet, wireless connections, and powerful search engines allow people access to more information with little effort or time investment. Armed with this information, people are more likely to “do-it-themselves”. Unfortunately, the consequences are as bountiful as the information. One of the consequences to small businesses may be a loss of a potential client.


Experts still research Read More »

What can each of you do “right now” to get you closer to your goals?

What can each of you do “right now” to get you closer to your goals?
Financially, nutritionally, physically, relationship wise? What one thing – right now – sitting right here. Look around the room, across the room, at your neighbor, all around you. We’re all different, with different situations and aspirations. But there’s one thing – and it’s the same thing, that each of us can do to get us closer to each and every goal that we have.


What can each of you do “right now” to get you closer to your goals? Read More »

Corporate development & finance – Business value from the corporate perspective

Now it is time to explore how these services and capabilities are viewed by the enterprise in terms of true business value and competitive advantage. Corporate development concerns itself with the management arm of the enterprise, setting the strategy and priorities, and ensuring that the enterprise wide investments are aligned with future strategic goals.


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Enterprise Architecture – Linking Teams to the Enterprise

Now that the linkage between the delivery and operations of the service has been established and the PM understands how the service enables a capability, it is time to make the connection between the delivery team and the organization.

I believe that helping the PM understand EA and its links to Business Architecture (BA) will help to crystallize the role that their delivery team plays in the broader scope of the enterprise.


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Prototype your way to Real

When project managing for innovation and change, three important steps are getting great inspiration, having an effective idea generation session, and then moving your ideas forward with prototyping. Consider your personal and organizational prototyping practices: do you prototype across a wide range of levels, from rough to real? Do you prototype both your tangible and intangible concepts, as you might for service design and organizational change? Take a look at the following post to imagine your path this year on what and how to prototype – for yourself or across your company.


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